Buying or selling your home is quite possibly the largest financial transaction you will ever make. It's not a process to leave to chance. You want to make sure … Read More
Welcome To Jaycon Legal Solicitors a law firm based in Hull
As a small firm we can offer a more dedicated and personal service to our clients
Welcome To Jaycon Legal Solicitors a law firm based in Hull
JayconLegal Solicitors was founded by the Sole Practitioner Jannina Beckett
Welcome To Jaycon Legal Solicitors a law firm based in Hull
Please do not hesitate to contact us today and see how we can help you
Who we are ?

We pride ourselves on our approachability, caring nature and providing a friendly atmosphere for clients.

We have experience in: wills and trusts, probate and estates, powers of attorney, court of protection and residential property.

Affordable fees
We are transparent with our legal costs and can offer fixed fee quotations or controlled budgets to suit your needs.
At JAYCON LEGAL SOLICITORS we are an approachable law firm serving Hull and the surrounding areas, specialising in the preparation of wills, probate applications & administration of estates, powers of attorney and court of protection applications. We also deal with other matters such as the buying, selling and transferring of residential properties and change of name deeds.
We are a small firm which means that we can offer a dedicated and more personal service to clients. Our aim is to deliver efficient legal solutions, in a sympathetic and understanding manner. Our focus is to treat you as an individual and not just another client, especially at a time when you need help and support the most. Our approach is a personal one, tailored to suit your needs and we will be there every step of the way!