Buying or selling your home is quite possibly the largest financial transaction you will ever make. It’s not a process to leave to chance. You want to make sure that everything is in order, and that you’re making wise decisions. Conveyancing is time consuming, complex and can be risky if you don’t have experience.
We can help!
We know how stressful it is, and will use our many years of experience to make sure that everything flows smoothly. We’ll make sure that everything is above board and that you’re getting what you expect.
We have seen a lot of property contracts, and know where to look for the pitfalls. We’ll expedite things as much as we can and keep you up to date on progress.
We offer a fixed fee service, which will help you budget for your move.
What’s included in the conveyancing process?
We will:
- Make sure that the property title is sound and verify the ownership
- Check if the property is freehold or leasehold and advise accordingly
- Draw up a contract of sale and send it to the buyer’s solicitor
- Check for restrictive covenants or rights of way that could affect your plans for the property
- Check that buildings and alterations have the correct planning permission, licences and warranties
- Check that there are no debts owing against a property, and if there are that they are released before the property is transferred to you
- Carry out local authority searches to make sure if there are zoning restrictions or any debts due
- Check if there is a lease, and if so, check the lease conditions
- Arrange for additional property searches, depending on the circumstances. These might including checking previous land use, whether the land is prone to flooding, if there are planned railway or motorway developments, whether medieval laws still require you to contribute to the local church and so on
- Check mortgage documents
- Ensure the deposit has been paid
- Exchange contracts for you which makes the transaction legally binding
- Lodge an interest in the property so that the property cannot be sold to another
- Calculate the final figure to pay
- Arrange for the title to be transferred to the new owner’s name
- Pay Stamp Duty Tax on your behalf
- Lodge the title deeds with the Land Registry
- Store or send you any original deeds and documents
Mortgages and Separate Lender Representation
You may have heard that certain mortgage lenders have become much stricter over the years in terms of their solicitors panel membership. Various Lenders are not allowing some firms (even larger ones) that have been on their panels in the past re-entry or, for sole practitioner firms such as this one entry in the first place.
There are some Lenders that are happy to work with us as a firm but there are many others where our membership will become a challenge. We will continue to gain recognition from other Lenders and will not give up. If we are not on your Lender’s panel, don’t worry, we may still be able act for you. In situations where we are not on the panel of a Lender, we have an agency agreement in place whereby a local firm of solicitors will act as agent for a small sum. This sum is already factored into any conveyancing quote provided by us. Separate Lender Representation does not delay completion and is a accepted by most Lenders.
Instruct us here!
Property Purchase Instruction Form
Property Sale Instruction Sheet
Read more
The Law Society: Buying a Home
Buying or Selling Your Home:
Make An Enquiry
For your free, no obligation enquiry, please either call us on 01482 330 830 or email [email protected]